Psoriasis disease affects skin and is characterized as an auto immune disease. It is commonly observed in the knees and elbow areas and also over the…

Do you have a Proper Running Form? How to know whether you have a proper running form or not? Yes, it is very important for each…

Every child in this world attains his/her developmental milestones at a certain pace. Not necessarily all of them have to talk, crawl or walk at exactly…

How to Choose a Track for Running? Each one of the runners might be very inquisitive to know about how to choose a track for running…

This article will explore the question whether junk food can cause allergies. What is Junk Food: Fat Junk food contains a lot of trans-fat or saturated…

Ayurveda describes some basic rules for diets to be followed during pregnancy period. It is described under garbhini paricharya in Ayurvedic texts. It has a description…

Of late, the benefits of cod liver oil are being recognised by many therapists and also by the parents of autistic children. Cod liver oil is…